How to Face Your Fear & Win
Yesterday I wrote to you about a young boy who was bullied to the point where he took his own life.
He got to the point where he was so afraid, tired and fed up with being bullied, that he took what he thought was the only way out.
His fear got the best of him.
I describe bullying as a poison and the best way to look at fear is like it is a different kind of poison that when combined with other factors, creates bullying, the super-poison.
Fear changes your body’s physiology; you release stress hormones, which leads to inflammation in your tissues. You can’t sleep; your heart beats faster, your body is tense and no matter what you try, you have a terrible time trying to relax.
What makes this so amazing is this…you do it to yourself.
Fear is one hundred percent in your mind. It doesn’t exist anywhere else.
Fear is nothing more than you using your mind for negative, disempowering thoughts about what you don’t want, instead of positive, empowering thoughts of things that you do want.
Fear is nothing more than having faith that all the bad things in your imagination are going to happen. It is like faith used backwards.
Fear has its place in your life and your body. When you are faced with an armed man with a knife, you should be afraid. It is a life-or-death situation and demands proper focus and respect for the outcome.
But think about this – does being afraid of what might happen if you disagree with your boss deserve the same physical and mental reaction of facing a mugger with a weapon?
Of course not. But that is what some people do.
When you allow fear to take over – to control how you feel, what you think about and how you make decisions, you are not coming from a strong, confident place and focusing on what it best for you in that situation.
Any decisions made based on fear are never good ones.
The only way to “Take Your Power Back” when it comes to fear is to face your fear. Step right up to it, look it in the eye and then DO whatever it is you are afraid of.
Afraid of ending a bad relationship because you don’t want to go through the emotional turmoil, moving, separating assets, etc? Pull the trigger. Get out of there.
Afraid to stand up to the boss because you don’t want to lose your job in this economy – even though you hate your job? Start looking for a job right now. Get a new one lined up so you have choices and then stand up to the boss.
Is your child afraid to stand up to the Bully? Teach him why it is important to face his fears and prepare him to stand up for himself.
Facing your fear is simple – but it is NOT easy. When you are facing your fear, it almost seems worse than before…but only for a little bit.
Faster than you will realize, you will be out on the other side, stronger, happier and more confident because you faced your fear…and won.
To your best,
Sensei Huff
P.S. – For the exact tips you need to teach your child how to stand up for himself, go to and get the “Bully Proof Kids” program. This contains everything you need to know to empower your child to take their power back from the bullies in their life.
Dec 17, 2010 @ 11:30:17
great post, thanks for sharing