How to Have Your Best Year Ever…
Happy New Year to you and yours.
This is Sensei Huff and – after a c-r-a-z-y six weeks – I am BACK and ready to help YOU kick complete you-know-what in 2010.
I want to start 2010 with something radical; something that goes against the grain of what everybody else is doing. Something that you have probably done every year that actually sets you up for failure; something that you do each year around this time that actually HURTS you in the long run – and I am going to ask you NOT to do this year…
Do NOT set any New Year's Resolutions.
That's right – DON'T do it – not until you get a peek at what I have been working on for you.
If you have already done it for this year, that's okay; what I am going to be sharing with you in the coming days will help you – but it is going to turn the conventional wisdom on New Year's Resolutions and Goal Setting (barf) on their ears.
In the meantime, I will leave you with a question that we will address for tomorrow – as a matter of fact, I would love to hear your answers, which you can post on this blog or e-mail to – and that question is this:
Why do so many people NOT achieve their New Year's Resolutions?
Post or e-mail your comments – and I'll talk with you tomorrow.
In the meantime, let's work together to make this your best year ever – starting right now.
Take Back Your Power,
P.S. – Send your comments or answers to; I look forward to hearing from you…
Apr 22, 2013 @ 19:52:04
You've got it in one. Couldn't have put it better.